Emily, right now

Okay so there are just a few things I want to remember about Em at 22 1/2 months old.

• She calls my and Scott's glasses "circles" and always wants a pair for herself no matter how many times I tell her her eyes are just perfect and beautiful.

• She loves to "help" with laundry. She pulls all the clean clothes out of the dryer and will walk around the house distributing them into little piles with no clear rhyme or reason.

• She puts all her clothes on via her feet. Except for panties which she feels the need to wear like a hat. Go figure.

• She has seriously been learning by observation. The kid even takes a book to the bathroom with her when she goes to potty. Lol!

• When scott or I get home for the day, she will jump up as we walk through the door, yell "mommie" or "daddy" and run right for us.

• She calls green beans "bean beans."

• She calls ketchup "keppis."

• She can out talk everyone (except aunt kari) on the phone. But we can at least understand aunt kari.

• She hates going to bed but loves to rock with mommie.

• She's very into equality right now. And ownership. If she has something (like her toothbrush) she wants to be sure everyone else has one too. And that everyone knows which belongs to whom.

• Speaking of toothbrushes, she always brushes with hers and then brushes with mine.

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Leslie DeHart
